Your handouts on “Tips for Parents” was most refreshing and motivated many of us to think about how we relate with our children. I personally found your ideas improve relationships–not only in business and professionally, but personally as well.
Hendrik Gillebaard Laguna Beach Rotary Club, Laguna Beach, CA July 27, 2016
We have seldom conducted a conference or workshop that received such consistently high evaluations from participants.
Wayne A. Babchuk, Ph.D University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE July 27, 2016
Your excellent presentation, so eloquently and charmingly delivered, made for a Leadership Conference that will be long remembered and discussed. Thank you very much for joining us at Fordham University, and for helping to make our conference a success. You have greatly added to our school leaders’ arsenals for helping teachers look freshly upon a major issue.
Patricia A. Romandetto, Superintendent Community School District 3 City of New York Board of Education July 27, 2016
I not only enjoyed your keynote at our five-district staff development but the specific examples you gave of how to redirect negative communications to positive ones. The resounding applause you received from the more than 425 attendees attests to how your message was received.
Dominick Potena, Superintendent Margate City School District Margate City, New Jersey July 27, 2016
Since we have employed your system our students not only exhibit an immense turnaround in how they act in school, they also work with others at their respective peer level to create a positive learning environment.
Clair R. Garrick, Superintendent Elgin School District, Elgin, OR July 27, 2016
Teachers, administrators, social workers, and psychologists were able to begin immediately applying the concepts and implementing many of the strategies you taught us.
Barbara McFadden, EH/SED Program Resources Brevard District Schools, Viera, FL July 27, 2016
I have felt for a long time that many of the approaches to incentivizing performance and the punitive methods used for lack of performance were unenlightened. Your program gives hope for our educational system.
Mike Rounds, President Greater Los Angeles Chapter, National Speakers Association, Los Angeles, CA July 27, 2016
I am so impressed with Dr. Marshall’s strategies and the simplicity of the program.
Sarah Crippen, Education specialist Education Service Center Region XV, San Angelo, TX July 27, 2016
We have tried dozens of strategies to improve classroom discipline, all with limited or no success until we tried Dr. Marshall’s program. I believe his program, “Discipline without Stress, Punishments, or Rewards,” is the best hope public schools have in dealing with discipline issues. We are planning to implement his strategies in all eighteen of our schools.
Robert E. Beck, Ed.D., Associate Superintendent Richmond County Schools, Hamlet, NC July 27, 2016
Having you speak at our Teachers Matter Conference in New Zealand was a real pleasure. You inspired, motivated and sent our 800 teachers off with practical and easy strategies that will make a difference to themselves and their students for life.
Karen Boyes, CEO – Spectrum Education, Ltd. Wellington, New Zealand July 27, 2016